VFFCMH Trainings Currently Available
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How to Survive and Thrive in the Children’s Mental Health Maze: Navigating Systems:
Often, the hardest things to adjust to when your child is diagnosed with a mental health or behavioral challenge are your own feelings and fear. Facing the feelings of isolation, self-blame and fear for your child is a daunting task. Whether you are adjusting to the new “normal” of your life, or have been doing this for a while, it can feel endless and lonely. This full day training will allow you to:
- Know, and feel that you are not alone
- Know, and feel that you are not at fault
- Gain skills in teaming
- Have ideas for next steps and feel empowered to take those steps
Partnering With Families:
Participants will gain skills for partnering with, and empathy for, families. This interactive training brings both the family story and the family experience with the mental health and developmental service systems, to the Designated Agencies in order to increase awareness and skills. At 2.5 hours long, it is the perfect length for a professional development in-service.
Families, Disability and Culture:
This training, for family members and self-advocates, will help build leadership skills as well as cultural understanding. Participants will gain understanding of disability and culture and develop the skills needed to lead their own team or to become community leaders. 2 days.
Family Leadership and Advocacy:
This training for families and self-advocates, is a great starting point, or refresher, for families who have been involved in any system/systems. Participants will work together to build advocacy skills and learn the basics of collaborative teaming. 6 hours.
Coordinated Services Planning for Children with Complex Needs and Their Families:
This training is designed to provide families with information regarding, why they might want a CSP, when they might benefit from a CSP, and how to get a CSP once they decide they want one. They will learn what to expect before, during, and after a CSP meeting.
Trainings in Development
Family Driven Care:
As Vermont Moves to Family Driven care, we are working on the creation of a training on Family Driven Care that utilizes Dialogue Education to ensure a true learning experience.
Helping your Child Transition to Adulthood:
Families often struggle with how to best help their children transition to adulthood, while still being there to help them as needed. We are working to develop a training that will assist families in the process.