How to Survive and Thrive in the Children’s Mental Health Maze
Often, the hardest things to adjust to when your child is diagnosed with a mental health or behavioral challenge are your own feelings and fear. Facing the feelings of isolation, self-blame, and fear for your child is a daunting task. You might find yourself setting your own feelings aside in order to attend to all the meetings, appointments, and issues that you face on a daily basis. Whether you are adjusting to the new “normal” of your life, or have been doing this for a while, it can feel endless and lonely.
We, at the Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, are here to support you as you learn the ins and outs of the many systems you are now involved with. Our staff, many of whom are Certified Parent Support Providers, have been where you are now and wish only to make things easier for you.
We hope our training, “How to Survive and Thrive in the Children’s Mental Health Maze”, will help you to:
1. Know, and feel that you are not alone
2. Know, and feel that you are not at fault
3. Gain skills in teaming
4. Have ideas for next steps and feel empowered to take those steps
In the confusing maze of health care, education, and life, the most empowering thing you can do is find hope. Hope for your child, hope for your family, and hope for yourself. Let us, at VFFCMH, help you build the skills you need to travel the maze and find your way to a place where hope can thrive.
Event details
LOCATION: St. Johnsbury, VT
VENUE: NKHS, 2225 Portland St.
START DATE: April 07th, 2015
TIME: 9:00am
END DATE: April 07th, 2015