Sandy Hook Candle Light Vigil
As the nation mourns the victims in the Tragedy at Sandy Hook, Vermont community leaders will join together at 4:30 PM on the steps of the Vermont State House to remember those who lost their lives last Friday morning.
The event will take the form of a candle light vigil, words of comfort and healing and music. It is meant simply as a way to show our support for both the families who lost their loved ones and others for whom this tragedy has caused deep sadness.
The Association is organizing the event with co-sponsors including: The Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, and The National Alliance for Mental Illness – Vermont.
Speakers will include local and state officials as well as community leaders. Music will also be provided by a local choral group.
Organizers please ask that attendees bring their own candle. Some will be provided.
Parking in Montpelier is free.
Event details
LOCATION: Montpelier
VENUE: Vermont State House
START DATE: December 21st, 2012
TIME: 4:30pm
END DATE: December 21st, 2012